Abnormal PAP Smear
A PAP Smear is a screening test to check for abnormalities in the cells of the cervix. These changes are called dysplasia.
The dysplasia could be low grade changes and/or high grade changes.
Low Grade Abnormality
Low grade change means changes due to infection with HPV and abnormalities in the lower one third of the cervical cells. Most of these infections are usually cleared by the body’s immune system. If the abnormal pap smear diagnosis of low grade abnormality is confirmed, then you will need regular observations through colposcopy and pap smears. Surgical treatment is usually not necessary.
High Grade Abnormality
High Grade Abnormality means you will need a Colposcopy .
With high grade abnormality, pre-cancer cells may be present and they involve the surface smear of the cervix. They are likely to become cancers and invade deeper layer if left untreated. If high grade abnormalities are detected, you will be asked to attend a colposcopy and a treatment.
For further information about Abnormal PAP Smears & Bleeding After Intercourse, please contact Dr. Singla's office.